Year 5 Cherry Class
Curriculum Information Page
Welcome to the Year 5 (Cherry Class) page.
We hope this provides you with important information to support your child's learning this year.
Please do get in contact if there is anything that we can help you with.
Miss Gardiner and Mrs Arthurton.
Miss Gardiner's teaching days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday-
Mrs Arthurton's teaching days are Thursday and Friday-
What we will be learning this Spring Term 2025...
This term’s enquiry question is:
What's beneath our feet?
This is what we will be learning about in each subject area:
English: The Highwayman – monologue, stories from another perspective; Beowulf – newspaper articles and instructions; Explanation texts – How to build a Viking Longship.
Maths: Fractions - equivalent fractions, ordering fractions, add and subtract fractions; 4 calculations; reasoning and problem solving.
Science: Properties and changes of materials.
Computing: Creating Media and video production.
History: Anglo Saxons/ Vikings – Comparing an aspect of Viking/Anglo Saxon life to now; Local study: Sutton Hoo – Identifying primary and secondary sources, using the internet with confidence to research.
Geography: Place names in Norfolk linked to Anglo Saxons using a range of sources to find place names; Comparing maps and land use surveys; Types of settlements in Viking and Saxon Britain.
Music: Unit of work around 'Make you feel my love' by Adele thinking about pulse rhythm and pitch through singing and playing instruments; 'The Fresh Prince of Bel- Air' with a focus on raps.
RE: How has belief in Christianity impacted on music and art through history? Christianity and Islam focus.
Art: Sketching – Sketch a Viking Longboat/ a Viking, 3.D models using modroc - Alberto Giacometti.
DT: Anglo Saxon brooches using clay; Mechanical systems - toys with cams.
French: Numbers; Colours; Classroom equipment and instructions; Easter.
PE: Volleyball; gymnastics; hockey; dance.
Life Skills: Relationships and Sex Education - puberty, relationships, gender identity, keeping safe online.
How you can help your child with their learning:
- Use the Knowledge Organisers (at the bottom of this page) to help your child learn the information we are exploring.
- Discuss the school day with your child – ask them what they’ve been learning about.
- Hear your child read and discuss the story with them, asking questions about what has happened. Writing a few notes in the reading record will help us see how they are getting on with their reading and they can also earn merits for this too!
- Encourage your child to check they have everything they will need in school each day (especially a reading book and their ‘Reading Record’).
- Practise times tables and spellings. Children will learn spelling patterns in school but will need to practice the spellings at home, for testing in the last week of half term. Spellings can be found in their homework folders and attached below.
- Logins for Spelling Shed and Times table Rock Stars can be found at the front of the children's reading records.
Other things to remember:
- We will be doing PE on Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure your child comes to school in their kit for these days. PE will be outside when possible, so they will need to wear something appropriate for the weather. Please ensure all PE kit is either blue, black or white or with the school logo on.
- Children need to remove earrings for PE lessons (or cover with tape if they cannot be removed)
- Please remember to name all school uniform - then we can return all of the stray jumpers we find!
- Please ensure hair is tied up at all times.
- Please ensure children have spare shoes for break and lunchtimes that they do not mind getting muddy.
w.b. 3rd February – STAY SAFE WEEK 2: Children’s Mental Health Week
Wednesday 5th February – SEND Parent Review Meetings
Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
15th – 23rd February – HALF TERM HOLIDAY
- Friday 28th February - Year 5 Viking/ Anglo-Saxon day in school.
Thursday 6th March – World Book Day
Wednesday 19th March – OPEN CLASSROOMS
Wednesday 26th March – Parent/teacher progress review meetings
Friday 4th April – Last day of Spring Term
5th – 21st April – EASTER HOLIDAY
Spring Term Knowledge Organisers:
anglo saxons and vikings knowledge organiser docx.pdf
Y5 Spring 1 Spellings: