Necton Church of England Primary School

Year 3 Rowan Class 

Curriculum Information Page


Welcome to the Year 3 (Rowan Class) page.

We hope this provides you with important information to support your child's learning this year. 

Please do get in contact if there is anything that we can help you with.

Mr Grass. 



What we will be learning this Spring Term 2025...


This term’s enquiry question is:

What can we learn from Ancient Civilisations?


This is what we will be learning about in each subject area:

English: Traditional narrative: character description & additional chapters. Persuasive advert, graphic novel, diary entry. SPAG - adjectives, coordinating conjunctions, apostrophes, persuasive language, inverted commas and expanded noun phrases.

Maths: Multiplication and division, measurement (money), statistics, measurement (length & perimeter) and fractions. 

Science: Light & Famous scientist exploration.

Computing: Programming with sound & Coding. 

RE: What is philosophy? (Humanism), How do people make moral decisions?

PE: Yoga, Fitness, Dance & Gymnastics .

History: Ancient Civilisations; a focus on Ancient Greece and Egypt. 

Art:  3D art forms (Greek Pottery/Bowl design). 

DT: Structures (Shadow Puppets).

Music: Composing using your imagination: How does music make the world a better place

Sharing musical experiences: How does music help us get to know our community?

Spanish: Family; members of the family, numbers and age. Spanish daily culture. 

Life Skills: RSE – My beliefs; My rights and responsibilities; Asking for help; My feelings; My body; My relationships


How you can help your child with their learning:

  • Use the Knowledge Organisers (at the bottom of this page) to help your child learn the information we are exploring.
  • Discuss the school day with your child – ask them what they’ve been learning about.
  • Read with them (a book together related to an aspect of the curriculum would be amazing) but reading of any kind is welcome.
  • Hear your child read there book and discuss the story with them or read a story to your child.
  • Assist with any homework challenges.
  • Help your child to learn their times tables and mental maths. The year 3 target is x2, x3, x4, x5, x8 and x10 by the end of the year.
  • Ensure your child has all the clothing and equipment they will need in school each day (especially their reading diary).


Other things to remember:

  • We will now be doing PE on Tuesdays & Wednesdays so please make sure your child comes to school in kit with warm clothing for the rest of the day, hair tied back (if past shoulder length) and earrings removed (or taped if they cannot be removed).
  • Snacks for morning playtime should be fruit or vegetables only.

  • Classroom drinks should be water only and in a clearly named bottle. Other drinks are acceptable for playtime and lunchtime.

  • Sending your child into school with a change of footwear for break and lunch.

  • Times tables will be set on the Times Tables Rockstars website and spellings on Spelling Shed, which your child can login to using their details stuck in their reading records.



Tuesday 4th February – Year 3 Class Cafe, 2.15-3.05pm

w.b. 3rd February – STAY SAFE WEEK 2: Children’s Mental Health Week

Wednesday 5th February – SEND Parent Review Meetings

Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day

15th – 23rd February – HALF TERM HOLIDAY

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day

Tuesday 18th March – Year 3 Norwich Castle Trip

Wednesday 19th March – OPEN CLASSROOMS

Wednesday 26th March – Parent/teacher progress review meetings

Friday 4th April – Last day of Spring Term

5th – 21st April – EASTER HOLIDAY


Spring Term Knowledge Organisers:

ancient egyptians knowledge organiser.pdf

ancient greece knowledge organiser.pdf




